1. A Survey on Gene Expression Classification Systems
Praveen Tumuluru, Dr. Bhramaramba Ravi
GITAM, Visakhapatnam, India.
Page No:1-4
2. Service Quality at A.P. Tourism Hotels in Selected Districts: A Perspective of SERVPERF Model
Dr.J. Sivaji, P. Venkata Subbaiah
Annamacharya Institute of Technology (Autonomous) Rajampet., AITS (Rajampet) & Research scholar in VIT University Vellore.
Page No:5-15
3. Strategic Leadership and Entrepreneurial Intention among Indian Employees
Dr.Indra Ponnuswamy
Bannari Amman Institute of Technology.
Page No:16-30
4. Performance Analysis of Fixed Probabilistic Route Discovery on AODV and DSR in Mobile Ad-Hoc Networks
Dr. S.Kannan, Dr. D. Sumathi, Dr. T. Prabakaran
Malla Reddy Engineering College (Autonomous), Hyderabad.
Page No:31-36
5. Performance gain Application by Analyzing, managing apps & their background services depend on usage of Android: DOT
Mrs. Kajal R. Bhapkar r, Mr. Kunal B. Kadam, Mr. Sachin A. Deshpande
SEC, Someshwarnagar, Baramati, Pune, SPP University
Page No:37-41
6. Therapeutic Compliance Among Diabetics Attending Primary Health Centre At Sorancherry
Dr. Lisy Joseph, Mrs. K. Sathiya, Mrs. S. Nalini
Page No:42-44